Sunday 20 March 2011

Sunday 20th March

Diary of Filming on Penbryn Beach

Saturday 12th March
Beach. White skies. Overcast. Many dogs.
Stuck stick sculpture into sand with sea & sky backdrop. Lay down to give bigger perspective. Hardly any breeze. Liked how frail threads caught tiny amount of breeze. Videoed tide coming in and around sculpture. Reminded me of Goldsworthy. Sound of roar of the sea.
Disliked sturdiness. Not enough movement. Flat - too much rigidity. Is sea too loud and insistent in a film?

Took photos of organza shell form. Looked wrong on wet sand. Needs to fly. Will wait for windy day. Like it against lit sky - wait for sunny day. Airy space- belongs in the air.

The organza form definitely looks more "at home" against the sky, but does it in fact not need any background? The photographs done in my dining room are possibly more successful. Maybe the link with the "emotional response" to Penbryn can be at the making stage and not the photo stage. The stick sculpture is too figurative; doesn't fill the frame.
Finally I tried putting the shell form under water in the stream that dissects the beach. As there was no air movement, the movement of water rippling over it as it got trapped in the pebbles produced some very interesting effects. Very abstract; ripples caught the light - much better than Photoshop filter! I videoed the rapid movement and a tiny stick trapped in the fabric zig-zagged and danced. The organza became weird and organic; jelly-fish like. (See previous post for photos.)
Need to explore sunlight & wind; organza on a string; use Canon camcorder and tripod - these were done with digital camera.
Problem of dog-walkers on the beach. Was found lying in the sand with bum in the air trying to record the tide lapping over object by several dogs and their owners!


  1. I love the beach art - Oliva and I ahve been talking about music that might represent these images.

    We thought strings would be good - a nice haunting sound. I love Bach's double violin concerto in D minor. The second movement has the soloists 'talking' to each other. The ebb and flow and echo of the music reminds me of the sea

  2. Love that music and think violins def the way forward if I have music background.
    Need something plaintive, frail, tentative, rising and falling...
    Will have to compare with sea sound and see which "feels" right. Glad to have musical friend!
