Thursday 10 March 2011


Apart from the clumsy zooming in, I really like the second video. It's sort of hypnotic! The last 10 seconds are beautiful, capturing the delicacy of form, the wispiness. Reminds me of clouds drifting past in a summer sky. The slowing down of time forces you to take time to observe details that would be otherwise passed by. It's like the Davies poem "We have no time to stop and stare". Peaceful, but could be looked by.
I like how Goldsworthy puts captions with his photographs which describe the material and process, but he sets them out like little poems - hence the caption/comment with mine. Quite like that!
Oh, and I need a tripod. Hand wobbles aren't good! And some music??? Or sounds of the sea? Or silence? Violin playing friend is going to suggest some pieces.
Caravan tomorrow!

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