Friday 27 May 2011

And now, the end is near...

Sad times.
Last proper day at college, last work shop day, last library day...
But instead of buzzing with last minute preparations for show I feel very flat.
Lethargically sewed a bit of fishing wire onto stitched organza; half-heartedly tried (and failed) to print out Blog; lack-lustredly (a word?) burned a couple of DVDs, but all seemed a big effort.
Luckily everyone else felt the same way, so it's not just me!

Had a big feast at lunch-time as everyone brought food in. A real spread!

Yesterday spent the day in Textiles to sort of say goodbye. Have really loved my time in that little sewing room, listening to the radio.  Experimented with satin stitch to mimic scribbly lines in "Vortex" painting. Also made some felt to mimic the sunlit sky. Perhaps the organza needs some colour?

Having second thoughts about spot-lighting. Argggghhhhhh!!! Maybe natural lighting best after all? But too late to change now. But surely that little enclosed white box will show off my sculpture and film footage to the best advantage?? Darren says no spot-lights at Track so will have to get some myself. Had to hand projector back so can't experiment further.
GCSE marking (515 scripts!) taking up all my time so no time for art and lots of self-doubt!

Latest hanging sculpture in bedroom:

I like the pink "scribble" but photo doesn't give it justice. Certainly got a lot more energy than my first attempts.

I like the way that every time I construct it it's always different. I think I'll just have to trust it'll come good on Thursday, the day we're getting set up for the show.
My husband's just come in and said, "Is it supposed to be so thready?" Sigh.

What I'm supposed to be emulating!

1 comment:

  1. I love the soft colours, quite a different feel from the white forms - much sunnier.

    & don't worry you're not alone , I've got a year end to finish so between that and entertaining Abbie I can't see much art happening. You've done loads and it looks great.

    Hope you have a good half term, Emma
