Wednesday 13 April 2011

Wednesday 13th April

Back from Wales!
Quest to get wild pics and footage proved challenging - good wind on Mon but couldn't get camcorder to record - diff from previous one; also digital camera ran out of power! Did get some though...
Other difficulty was that sculptures fell apart and paper went soggy; one piece blew away and a spaniel chased it and savaged it.
No needle and thread so we did our best to repair (son came to be prop holder).
Did some pastel Georgia O Keefe style sketches; also big acrylic/pastel painting of sculptures.
Attempt to paint in situ on beach bit of a disaster - difficult to get abstract without prep sketches - also freezing hands and paper blowing away.
Here's O Keefe style painting:
 This is original, slightly enhanced in Photoshop. I like the smoother painted areas better than the pastel. Got too distracted by texture and need more form. Nice to paint again, but v out of practice!!

These two are zoomed in. The bottom one is starting to look like watercolour - maybe a better medium?
And here is video footage:
Really pleased with this. Boisterous, exhilerated mood conveyed. Pleasing form, plenty of light and space. I feel strongly that "wind sculptures" could be an area to push forward, having possibly gone as far as I feel I can go with the photography.
Also, I now know that this is the level of abstraction I want; after my "shells" of 2 weeks ago, I was disappointed with comments that they were "containers" and more figurative. This sculpture has more of the essence of the place - sun, wind, sky, surf, fresh air... although it still has something a little shell-like about it, the whirls, loops and spirals...I like the fact that it has transformed from something small and hard and fragile, found lying stationary on the ground, to something that seems large-scale, full of air and softness and movement. Interesting!!
Here's a link to a kite display. Should I set my films to music (and if so, which?), or is the sound of the sea enough??

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