Thursday 7 April 2011

Thursday 7th April

Have spent all morning editing film footage - bit fed up of digital overload - craving drawing and painting at the moment but need beach for inspiration. Went home early to make more sculptures from new paper and felt. Managed to work out aperture in SLR camera. Took about 1000 pics and deleted all but about 10 of them! Light kept changing in bedroom. Need to ask again about depth of focus - completely forgot how to do (big aperture?). Also need tripod for less blurry pics.  Anyway, here they are:

 Quite like this one - used curves in Photoshop a lot. Looks a bit amoeba-like. Quite painterly.
I need to know how big they'll print before losing definition. More abstract than the "shells", and actual sculptures are nice - felt v. successful. However, some of earlier photos just as good/better? Got to keep shooting!!!

Beach next week. Definitely some painting needed.

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